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ATTENTION! This is not a live reading of the book, but a computer generated one used by the author as a proofing aid. 


Please listen to the first chapter for free before buying to see if you like it. Proceeds of the sales will go to produce a live narration of the book. 


Narrated by the author, audiobooks are a great way to enjoy your favorite books, but they're not cheap to make.

I still plan to produce a professional quality audio book with a live narrator, but in playing around with neural networks (artificial intelligence and machine learning) I was pleasantly surprised at the quality. 

It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than I thought it was going to be. If you want to help me produce a deluxe version, you can buy a copy of the Robot narration. I've unlocked the first chapter so you can listen to it and decide if you want to buy the whole book. 


I priced it low because it certainly isn't top tier, but if you ever wanted to have a robot read you a bed time story....


And hey, where else are you going to get an audio book for less than 5 bucks? Welcome to the future!

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